Well I am Going to Try this Again!!

I am clearly very bad at using this cool tool.  I just spent over an hour composing a really neat post and then I went to publish it and spam, bam, thank you mam it was gone.  Vanished.  Off into space.  I editted it, I draft saved it about four times, I asked the web person for help several times, I previewed it , I editted it and then – poof it was gone.

Have you ever had this experience.  I know I am not alone.  Well sometimes that is also the case with things we do to be ecolonomic.  We try hard, we get help, we do all the right things and then poof what we do seems to be gone.  Well we have to get up off the carpet and try again.  That is what I am doing now – trying again.  I am bound and determined to work to make the planet better.  I will do it.  I will.  You can too!! Lets work together, and try and fail, and then do it again.  Talk with you later.  I need to go now and think about what I can do next to make the planet better.

IOE Meadow Hollow Greenhouse during our Fall Sustainability Event.  Those tomatoes tasted great!!

IOE Meadow Hollow Greenhouse during our Fall Sustainability Event. Those tomatoes tasted great!!

  • SO relate to your Feb 2, 2010 ‘lost in cyberspace’ post!!!… Been there, done that — over and over again! … Eager to help with another attempt AT SHARING, although certainly will NOT do the same things expecting different results… This time we ARE MUCH wiser in many areas; especailly in skills of thinking that inspire making ever-better choices to achieve our ever-clearer desired results… Appreciate everybody who has helped sustain Dennis Weaver’s visions… Delighted to see Gerry’s name listed on website at http://ecolonomics.org/about_us/who_we_are/ — Remember as if just yesterday conversations with Dennis, Gerry, and Jon on their visits to Owensboro, Kentucky… Amazed at clarity of this flashback, and in shock about how much time has past since then, and just how fast it has gone bye…

    • Wayne says:


      Thanks so much for the history info. Dennis was such a cool man and a real lover of this planet. We really want to carry on his legacy so he will be proud. Let us know what we can do to encourage you to get more involved with us.

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